Today's news are provided by Heroes fans across various message boards:
  • Gravyluvr open a thread in our forums for people who are looking for a copy of Heroes IV Complete. The game is widely available in Europe, but nowhere to be seen in North America at the moment, despite a GameSpot listing (related news).
  • There is a contest on the Nival Interactive web site. You are invited to create a poster for Heroes of Might and Magic V. There are over $5000 worth of prizes.
  • There is a Heroes V computer card game in French available on the Archangel Castle forums. It's a simple luck game that uses some Heroes V artwork. While Dridri appears to have good programming skills, just don't bother learning French just to play this game...!

It's been two weeks since the last update on the Might and Magic site. Ubisoft is neglecting the non-testers out there!