Although it's not nice to laugh on behalf of something that is bacically sad, this is just funny (from mmh7 comments):
"More Steam!"
"We are running out of coal, sir!"
"What are these blood crystals for?"
"Should we use them?"
"Use these Ashadamn things, then, She uses all! We must finish forging this next lie, I mean, 1.6 patch!"
"We'll be using the unicor as a 'new' neutral unit, sir?"
"You simpering fool, not now! We'll hold it a bit more. Throw ... throw in the phoenix, yes, the phoenix!"
"Which abilities I use on phoenix, sir?"
"Use your brains! What a phoenix is supposed to do?"
"I-I don't know, sir, in Ashan, everything seems possible!"
"Don't stutter! Hell, I say what: undead, absorb water, ranged and ... always flanks from far! That shall do!"
"Bu-but, sir, doesn't it get a bit unbalanced?"
"Hark! Go and do that! You are not paid to think and neither am I! Use that ashandamn bird as a new neutral for people to discover and hold the unicorn for a special announcement we'll be doing next week to cover up the 'out of sync' issue we don't know how to mend ... yes, it's the perfect plan ... yes... my love."
" Put phoenix riding on a unicorn to show independence and creativity, you idiots !! Urgently !!!"
..... He slammed the door in front of the noses of the accountant ....
Kalah it seemed the map Blood on the Bay is good for reviewing the possible options in the editor. But by the time I get time to play around with the editor it's seems likely they would've either released H9 or buried the series.. Anyway, for the sake of the serie, I cross my fingers that some good fan made maps can be or are being made..
I'm silent in seven languages - and I got all my familys fear.
Everytime you throw dirt, you loose a little ground