M&M Heroes 6 - known bugs in 2022

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M&M Heroes 6 - known bugs in 2022

Unread postby Reddituser12 » 16 Sep 2022, 18:24

Bugs that I encountered in 2022
List of known bugs
  • 2nd Sanctuary mission - Eastern Haven Fort sometimes will not spawn
  • 2nd Sanctuary mission - Mission may crash if Irina is a magic hero
  • Sometimes game will trigger Black Screen when you enter a city screen
Creature specific:
  • Demented - Maniac Laughter can be stack ad infinitum, which may reduce enemy damage to 0 or negative values
  • Shade - Poisoned Blades affects undead
  • Goblin Hunter - Crippling Traps don't reduce movement
  • Dire wolf - Ferocity don't affect Unlimited retaliations. Creature with Unlimited retaliations will retaliate once
  • Dire wolf - Ferocity, 2nd attack don't receive damage penalty from morale, 2nd attack always deals full damage
  • Light Elementals - Searing Light will not self-harm Light Elementals but Blazing Glories will receive damage
  • Blazing Glory - Cleansing Light removes Aura of Putrescence but not effects of Contagion or Breath of a Vermin - both are Putrid Lamasu abilities
  • Blazing Glory - Cleansing Light don't affect Ferocious Wound
  • Mizu-Kami - Pain Mirror don't deflect damage that comes from abilities (not sure if it's a bug or it was intended)
  • Mermaid - Siren Song doesn't affect Water elementals but it will affect Mizu-Kami
  • Darkness Elemental - Weakening Grasp is far less effective than description says
  • Archlich - Dark Embrace increases vulnerability by 0% instead of 15%. Ability don't work at all
  • Fire Elemental - Fire Ball ability don't damage to creatures that used damage dealing abilities (not sure if it's a bug or it was intended)
  • Yuki-Onna - Frozen Caress, reduced initiative is lower than 20
  • Kappa/Kappa Shoya - Leap/Crashing Leap may deal damage to friendly creatures if they are invisible (not sure if it was intended but logically it makes sense)
  • Phoenix - Rebirth sometimes isn't triggered when creature stack is destroyed or when combat ended
UPlay specific:
  • 5th Dynasty trait is locked even if you unlocked it a long time ago
  • New copies that were bought/activated nowadays will not receive Oblivion dynasty weapon, Black Dragon pet and Veyer dynasty Hero - missing Uplay rewards that can't be unlocked
Dynasty Weapons:
  • Will of Urgash: Sometimes increases the cost of fire spells _permanently_ if you load the game.
Last edited by Reddituser12 on 11 Oct 2022, 13:42, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: M&M Heroes 6 - known bugs in 2022

Unread postby Konfuzius » 04 Oct 2022, 19:44

Dynasty Weapons:
- Will of Urgash: Sometimes increases the cost of fire spells _permanently_ if you load the game.

This is something that always bothered me...

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