lightbringer23 wrote:
2. Sad to hear that. I tore my hair out trying to comprehend hostiles.txt , even with Greyface's documentation. Fortunately, cthscr and another on the CH discord helped me out with a simple groups script. Hopefully it's a minority of monsters that fight each other still. A few of the MM7 monsters (including those trogs) seem to be almost hardcoded to hate everyone else first. You should've seen my first tests with a bunch of endgame monsters in Nighon! What a clusterfumble that was.
I see. Well it was nothing prevalent or game-ruining so no worries there
lightbringer23 wrote:The Angel in EI was mainly a concession for the potential of parties starting in at level 1 in Antagarich. I can remove him if it feels totally unnecessary -- not to mention, the group of thieves and rogues destroyed the poor flapper when I tested hostility for SilverKnight.
I hardly noticed the thieves. I mean, I know where they were, but either the angel killed them, or the dragonflies, unsure. Or maybe I have - simply lured them to the HP-restoring well? Don't remember tbh

They were not an issue.
lightbringer23 wrote:What did you think about the diamond (or was it a pair of emeralds?) I dropped at your feet at the start? I think I wanted to help a lvl 1 group gear up for all the new challenges.
For me - unnecessary. I didn't sell them. In fact, as usual, I dropped all my starting gear in the nearby chest and pretended it didn't exist. I like to start without any freebies

Diamonds I kept for later, for when I have Merchant master
The thing about Emerald Isle is that it has the Pedestal of the Gods and it trivializes local enemies. Any more help is completely unnecessary. I actually forgot to use it for the Dragonflies area, but they just followed me to town and got demolished by the Angel
lightbringer23 wrote:7. Can you give me some examples? I can certainly take a look. I do remember that I gave the golem in White Cliff Caves some pretty good stuff. My idea there was that Gold Golems are tough buggers -- especially at low level -- so I thought the treasure should be pretty good. Don't know if that was one of your spots.
Wish I could remember where they were/what they were... I know my knight had 2 very strong swords very early on. But I absolutely can't remember where from

I would have had more, but when I saw the items were clearly meant to be weaker, and were strong due to my own item changes (cutlasses in Harmondale, for instance), I just left them on the ground, lol. I think those fiery cutlasses look cool so I swapped them around to be much higher on the food chain
lightbringer23 wrote:Anyway, let me know of some specific treasures, and I'll see what I can do. I mostly placed things for flavor, without a lot of starting balance in mind, but I can adjust to better accommodate a starting party. It's interesting that both you and SilverKnight approached MM7 Refilled as a starter hardmode! Part of what's so cool about modding -- folks take what you do in all sorts of directions

Starting hardmode is the best starting mode
lightbringer23 wrote:8. You were my inspiration for this one! I fondly remember seeing trade goods as loot in your modling, like that group of mercs south of the Plane of Air portal, or several groups in the east side of Shadowspire. It was so cool seeing those things that I never messed with in the base game. Those boxes are pretty big, though, aren't they?
Yeah, they're very cool for flavor

And I'm sure people who don't hoard diamonds "for when I have Master Merchant!!" and pick up every single ingredient in existence "Because WHAT IF I NEED IT AFTER ALL?!?!?!" can pick some up
lightbringer23 wrote:9. You and me both.

I wanted to make campfires, pedestals, challenges, and most of all chests a big part of things. Much more complicated than I thought the would be. Good luck with your efforts to do so in your Convergence!
You can place campfires with ease! Campfires, bags with random garbage, food bowls, resistance kettles, barrels - they're all in "sprites" category, and they're automatically working!

There are many of them added in the Convergence!
lightbringer23 wrote:10. Yep, that's Might and Magic for you -- ESPECIALLY the Merge! The boosting works really well though, even within the starting continent. I think you just set the percentage boost to 105%, and it'll start applying. Might have to leave and return, maybe move between continents. I have it set to 100% at level 40ish (started in Enroth) and your Serpentmen Warriors have about a thousand hp!
I'll have to embrace boosting one day... My problem with it is I always absolutely hated worlds scaling with your character level - vide Oblivion, Skyrim. First thing I did was install a mod that delevels the world. I want the final enemies to absolutely wipe the floor with my weak character, and I want some noobass bandits to be ultimate pushovers once I get stronger. Nothing killed my fun in Bethesda games more than getting stronger and stronger only for bridge-dwelling bandits to also become masters of the universe wearing the best armor, best weapons, and being basically capable of killing the big baddie themselves. Or the big baddie being killable by level 1 character wielding a stick. The worst.
But in the case of Merge, it might be completely impossible to create a de-leveled experience, which requires you to travel across 3 continents "back and forth" to reach content you are capable of doing, after you hit the wall on your chosen starting continent. Would be cool as heck, but it's either straight up impossible, or would need some maestro of balance to accomplish
Especially given the fact the items/spells/skills don't have additional ranks and scaling, they are meant to be maxed out in 1 continent gameplay. But imagine if they did!
Anyhow, delusions aside, right now my small wish is to have bolstering option which gives all enemies their new abilities and which kicks in at full force from day 1. You know, for more early game hardcore challenge