Poll: What To Do First

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2012, 16:22

Our current <b>poll</b> deals with the most important issues/problems with <i>Heroes VI</i>. In short, we think that there are so many things that needs mending that the developers have had to set up a long list of things to do. Problem is, with such a long list, what to do first?

The three things that the fans have screamed about most loudly are the lack of traditional <b>town screens</b>, a well-functioning <b>map editor</b> and <b>game balance</b>. As of yet the poll is pretty close, so use this chance to add some numbers to the Community's opinions.

What should be improved first? The poll is on the left-hand side of the screen.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Unread postby jeff » 26 Mar 2012, 17:19

Though I have been pushing the campaign editor, mostly because I have seen only a few posts on it; game balance and the bugs associated with gameplay must come first. After all who really wants to play a buggy game? Then the map editor (campaign for me) must be made user friendly; even now the H-VI forum here has gone days with few or no posts. The lack of fan made material will inevitably kill this game off before its time without it. Town screens, well I don’t own the game so I really don’t know what the issue is, but I can’t see it being more important than the other two.
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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Coldy » 26 Mar 2012, 19:04

Let's just forget about Heroes 6 and focus on Heroes 7 instead :)

This game is hopeless....

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2012, 19:32

As I said, the fans aren't leaving. They have already left.

Still, criticism was huge during H4 and some of us still consider that to be one of the best games in the series, thanks to (eventually) good playability and an excellent map editor which caused fans to make maps right up until today. Jeff is right about that; a user-friendly editor can compensate for a buggy game.
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Unread postby Pol » 26 Mar 2012, 20:20

One of my favourite games is "Master of Magic" from Microprose. That was patched after, eh, four years?

And that quality remained to these days.

Many of fans abandoned the game in the long pause and many returned later. The last patch made the game almost rock stable, so, it went up gold :P

Only for MMH6 I don't see a will here.

Editor is of course a huge plus but itself it will not save the game like H4. Where it was Equi btw ;)

The town screens are trifle compared to the bugs and the 'user friendly' editor. As a side note, construction of a one map by a team of pro from ubiBH seems to take weeks. The editor is missing higher autotools and thus disgustingly awfuly slow.

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 26 Mar 2012, 23:49

Game balance should be of paramount concern. However, much of the success of the series can be laid at the feet of the talented HOMM community map makers. The game simply should not have been released without a well functioning map editor.
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Unread postby SimpsonPatty » 27 Mar 2012, 07:58

Thank you guys for all your advice! I have recently swithced to Heroes VI, I am so excited! Just need a little direction in the very beginning :)

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby hellegennes » 27 Mar 2012, 10:55

I don't really see town screens as a major issue. The thing is that the screen works and it's easy to ready. That's all there is to it. Sure it would be cool to have an old school town screen but I prefer this over H5's annoying solution.

But that's just cosmetics. The game has major issues with replayability and balance. It still has some bugs but are mostly minor things. There are two things to do, in my opinion:

a) fix the editor, bring on a campaign editor and a RMG.

b) fix the balance

Had Ubisoft not been pushing for a 2011 release, the game would sell many times better and everyone would be happy. Denying the time and funds for further development only let to much more cash loss. Yet the managers that make these decisions are the highest paid executives. It makes zero sense.

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 27 Mar 2012, 16:49

I would like H6 to be abandoned and fresh work to begin on H7.

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Groovy » 27 Mar 2012, 19:51

If I ask myself which of the three improvements will make me want to play the game again, I have to say none. I think there are fundamental problems with the design of the game that diminish replayability and make it feel more like work than play. The suggested improvements simply cannot address this.

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Re: Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Dalai » 28 Mar 2012, 06:27

Groovy wrote:If I ask myself which of the three improvements will make me want to play the game again, I have to say none. I think there are fundamental problems with the design of the game that diminish replayability and make it feel more like work than play. The suggested improvements simply cannot address this.
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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby hellegennes » 28 Mar 2012, 07:59


This can be -and has been- said for H4 as well. But I know you love it. So both Groovy and you should have said "for me".

By the way, in my opinion H6 has a far more interesting story than the last two instalments.

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Crayno » 28 Mar 2012, 09:29

I miss the option: fix the hundreds of bugs that are still in the game

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Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Kalah » 28 Mar 2012, 11:13

Obviously all those bugs can't be fixed "first", since it's a work-in-progress that will be applied to all patches, so that option is not included here as a matter of course.
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Re: Poll: What To Do First

Unread postby Dalai » 28 Mar 2012, 11:41

hellegennes wrote:@Dalai:
This can be -and has been- said for H4 as well. But I know you love it. So both Groovy and you should have said "for me".

By the way, in my opinion H6 has a far more interesting story than the last two instalments.
Actually, you should have added at least mr.hackcrag to the list.

Yes, of course everything I say is IMHO. And NO, I don't want Ubi to stop working on MM:H6. I want them to spent as much money and efforts on this game as possible, and I want those efforts to be as ineffective as possible. I hope it will teach them to get their priorities straight. Other ways just don't work.
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Unread postby jeff » 28 Mar 2012, 22:28

I am no fan of H-V and have not bought H-6 since it appears few lessons were learned by UBI. I would be careful with the desire to see it abandoned/fail or become a cash black hole resulting large financial losses. If either occurs it is more likely that UBI would abandon Heroes for years; rather than say "Oh we get it now" and make the H7 we would all want. The best scenario is for them to fix it win back sufficient fans to justify the investment in a H7.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 29 Mar 2012, 09:52

jeff wrote:... make the H7 we would all want...
Which is what? Return it to "the old universe"?

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Unread postby XEL II » 29 Mar 2012, 12:31

parcaleste wrote: Which is what? Return it to "the old universe"?

Although, for instance, I (as well as quite a few other fans) don't care so much about H7, but would love to see Might and Magic X made and set in the original universe (with people from NWC involved in the making and writing of the game). They can set H7 in Ashan, for all I care.
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Unread postby Dalai » 29 Mar 2012, 13:55

jeff wrote:I am no fan of H-V and have not bought H-6 since it appears few lessons were learned by UBI. I would be careful with the desire to see it abandoned/fail or become a cash black hole resulting large financial losses. If either occurs it is more likely that UBI would abandon Heroes for years; rather than say "Oh we get it now" and make the H7 we would all want. The best scenario is for them to fix it win back sufficient fans to justify the investment in a H7.
It's not about abandoning franchise (although if it stays in current state - I don't really care), it's about punishing current approach, when everything screams cheap and shallow (like Homer). Everyone paying money for a game they are not really satisfied with in fear that otherwise Ubi will stop making Heroes at all, actually encourages this type of foul business practice.

Same applies to those who pay money now in hope that someday they will fix the game. Money is great today, Ubi does not have to wait while I patch them to work. But the game is not. Why deceive yourself?
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Unread postby XEL II » 29 Mar 2012, 14:31

I'm saying they stop working on HoMM for a while and team up with former NWC to create MM10. Of course, that would be the best outcome and thus (knowing Ubisoft and their policy towards MM franchise) unlikely.
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