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by Qurqirish Dragon
03 Dec 2014, 23:34
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Collector Edition Vote
Replies: 4
Views: 3468

Why are there hearts and spades? I thought this was a Tarot deck- should have wands, swords, cups, and coins!
by Qurqirish Dragon
08 Aug 2014, 13:54
Forum: News
Topic: GamesCom: Upcoming News
Replies: 35
Views: 19458

As I said with MM X, I don't care. Unless they release it in physical form, I cannot and will not play it, since I can't spend a week to download over a slow (DSL) flaky internet connection.
by Qurqirish Dragon
12 Jul 2014, 12:49
Forum: News
Topic: What Comes Next?
Replies: 62
Views: 28673

If they continue to refuse to release in NA in a non-digital format, than I don't care. I don't have the bandwidth for multi-gig downloads. Probably a lot of others do to. I think that may be the reason for poor sales as well. If a box isn't in a store, then only those looking for it will ever find ...
by Qurqirish Dragon
16 Apr 2014, 14:24
Forum: King's Bounty
Topic: King's Bounty -- Must Play?
Replies: 6
Views: 8573

The original KB is a HoMM-like game, but is not attached to the M&M storylines at all. The more recent KB (The legend, Armord Princess, Crosswinds) are more RPG-ish, and are very good games in their own right. Basically you are a single hero (rather than a faction) and gather armies, fight monst...
by Qurqirish Dragon
05 Aug 2013, 10:41
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Is this cheating?
Replies: 10
Views: 10608

Re: Is this cheating?

I am using a method of exploring the map for information, and then re-loading the game and exploring a different part of the map. Do this several times, and you get information on the entire map without committing to anything. Do you think this is cheating? In single player, who cares? In multiplay...
by Qurqirish Dragon
25 Mar 2013, 21:59
Forum: News
Topic: MMX Release Date
Replies: 53
Views: 25604

Re: MMX Release Date

"Might and Magic X Legacy is set for release in September as a downloadable title on Windows PC." Well, that means I'll never get it (just as with HoMM6)- I don't have a high-speed connection (only 768k DSL), and so a DVD-sized download is several days' time- assuming nobody wants to use ...
by Qurqirish Dragon
08 Mar 2013, 22:57
Forum: News
Topic: Heroes Online Trailer
Replies: 31
Views: 21146

Seems similar in many ways to Kings Bounty Legions (which I am enjoying to a certain extent; I really need to reinstall Armoured Princess and finish that game- I never put it on my current system after my old one died.)
by Qurqirish Dragon
09 Dec 2012, 19:17
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: I did some shopping today!
Replies: 9
Views: 7161

Angelspit wrote:Return to Krondor is from 1998! I'm surprised people still play such old games.
I'm in the middle of replaying The Summoning (yeah for Dos Box!) , and that's a 1992 game.
by Qurqirish Dragon
01 Nov 2012, 23:57
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Nostalgia - Quote from Jon Van Caneghem....
Replies: 12
Views: 8243

I can clearly remember that it drove me nuts switching discs all the time ... and that I was really thrilled when the DVD-ROM replaced it. :D And next week Halo 4 will ship on two discs. Here we go again. Unless Bluray becomes standard in games, you're right. If it does, then we have a few more yea...
by Qurqirish Dragon
01 Nov 2012, 23:55
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Disney buys Lucas Films
Replies: 11
Views: 8329

I strongly doubt Disney will be releasing it under the Disney name. More likely Touchstone- or they may leave the Lucasfilm studios intact, and release it through there. As such, I don't think it will be made "softer" by DISNEY. Now depending on Lucas' current "vision"...
by Qurqirish Dragon
21 Oct 2012, 23:57
Forum: News
Topic: Slow Broadband Holds Back Gaming
Replies: 18
Views: 12629

I still don't have a fast broadband connection (I'm on DSL, so it takes 6-7 hours to download 1 GB- assuming I don't use my connection for anything else during that time), and since the game is only available via download (if it is available in stores, I've never seen a copy), I cannot even get the ...
by Qurqirish Dragon
18 Sep 2012, 15:22
Forum: Campfire
Topic: The Absence Thread II
Replies: 116
Views: 72068

My greatest contribution to the board, damned now to languish in obscurity 'til the end of time! O curse thee, Qqd! Thou hath torn heart from breast and stamped thy foot upon it 'til it is but thin red gruel upon the trodden earth! :( For some reason, I think you have contributed more than this. Ca...
by Qurqirish Dragon
13 Sep 2012, 23:25
Forum: Campfire
Topic: The Absence Thread II
Replies: 116
Views: 72068

Split the topic, as it was over 140 pages long already...
by Qurqirish Dragon
04 Aug 2012, 11:45
Forum: News
Topic: Poll: H6 Expansion or H7?
Replies: 80
Views: 40077

Re: Poll: H6 Expansion or H7?

I play Heroes Kingdoms, which is run by Ubi. They have destroyed HK by making huge changes & dropping in the middle of the game. Where it once was about building heroes & cities, anything can now be had by buying seals. This includes artifacts & ” legendary heroes”. These heroes have tr...
by Qurqirish Dragon
01 Aug 2012, 21:49
Forum: Campfire
Topic: How to create a good games?
Replies: 9
Views: 13620

Indeed. Somehow, I always consider the art in HoMM 2 to be the best in the whole series, regardless of graphical advantage of the later in the series. That's because newer graphics have higher resolution. That's it. Most studios have decided the good art = realistic (whatever THAT means in a fantas...
by Qurqirish Dragon
25 Jul 2012, 03:44
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: The World of VARN
Replies: 9
Views: 5474

I used to have this map, long ago, but that was with my Apple ][ version of the game, which I sold once I no longer had one to run it on. I still have M&M 1 (it came with the MM6 collector's edition), but not the map :-(
by Qurqirish Dragon
03 Jul 2012, 17:30
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: Disciples 3
Replies: 414
Views: 164275

Well, I finally saw the game in store for $9.95, so I took the leap. D1 & 2 were so good, will I be in for disappointment? I have not installed it yet, since I just moved to a new house last weekend and it's been more about unpacking than gaming. I have not played "any" game in about ...
by Qurqirish Dragon
30 Apr 2012, 12:10
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might & Magic VIII and Might & Magic IX Boxes?
Replies: 6
Views: 4774

I can't answer your question, but to clarify, did you mean Might and Magic VIII?
by Qurqirish Dragon
11 Feb 2012, 14:25
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: HEY! IM NOOB HERE! I signed up for WCL..??
Replies: 2
Views: 4728

topic moved to appropriate forum.
by Qurqirish Dragon
06 Feb 2012, 23:12
Forum: News
Topic: Ubi Servers Maintenance Feb. 7th
Replies: 6
Views: 4345

Since they said that Heroes Kingdoms will be down until the 9th (in-game message), it may likely be more than a day that things are down.

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