Search found 30 matches

by Danny
05 Jan 2018, 15:24
Forum: Campfire
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 618
Views: 224189

Re: What are you currently reading?

Pol wrote:
Danny wrote:Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day
And is that good?
Yes, I recommend it very much.

Kazuo Ishiguro recently won the Nobel prize, that's why I was interested to check it out and I did not regret it!
by Danny
29 Dec 2017, 16:30
Forum: Campfire
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 618
Views: 224189

Re: What are you currently reading?

Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day
by Danny
22 Dec 2017, 17:05
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: what are the lyrics to the H4 town themes?
Replies: 5
Views: 13271

Re: what are the lyrics to the H4 town themes?

Had to bump this because I noticed here someone tried to transcribe the lyrics: Ton caritas vindice de omnias Son subita moria Ton subitas veritas (x2) Nem vindice carcate subita?... Milia deo solos/somos omnia Carita solos mora moria omnia Ton caritas vin...
by Danny
20 Dec 2017, 12:21
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Report Site&Forum Bugs [since Aug'15]
Replies: 188
Views: 241495

Re: Report Site&Forum Bugs [since Aug'15]

Just noticed that in Walkthroughs, the second map of Order campaign of Heroes IV is missing as the second map of Chaos campaign is repeated twice (Bloody Cove - pages 189 and 268 are identical).
by Danny
27 Jan 2017, 04:00
Forum: Articles
Topic: Interview with Jon Van Caneghem
Replies: 21
Views: 26382

Re: Interview with Jon Van Caneghem

Thank you!! :)
by Danny
07 Jan 2017, 20:23
Forum: News
Topic: Upcoming Interviews: Send in Your Questions!
Replies: 13
Views: 11530

Re: Upcoming Interviews: Send in Your Questions!

JVC: Were you proud of the creature lineups of HOMM IV factions? Were you planning to do radical changes in HOMM V factions due to fan reactions? Which is the faction/town you wished to do for the first time ever in HOMM V?
by Danny
03 Nov 2016, 17:25
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: Trial By Fire - The Dwarf expansion
Replies: 51
Views: 34933

Re: Trial By Fire - The Dwarf expansion

Antalyan wrote:
Danny wrote:Couldn't even find the info anywhere: are the two campaigns Fortress and Haven centered in the expansion?
Yes, at least as regards singleplayer experience.
Thanks, so that's almost like a Hammers of Fate rehash... :devious:
by Danny
03 Nov 2016, 11:42
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: Trial By Fire - The Dwarf expansion
Replies: 51
Views: 34933

Re: Trial By Fire - The Dwarf expansion

Couldn't even find the info anywhere: are the two campaigns Fortress and Haven centered in the expansion?
by Danny
22 Oct 2016, 06:42
Forum: News
Topic: Where to Next for the M&M Franchise?
Replies: 64
Views: 36879

Re: Where to Next for the M&M Franchise?

I think Heroes is just one of the many victims of the entertainment industry. These days creators of any type of entertainment are trapped into doing more of the same since that's what gives definite profit (or so it is assumed). There are never-ending film franchises, some are resurrected like Star...
by Danny
08 Oct 2016, 15:37
Forum: News
Topic: Heroes VII. - Development cancelled
Replies: 23
Views: 16214

Re: Heroes VII. - Development cancelled

Honestly I'll be surprised if Ubisoft wanted to give it another try considering the current state of the industry, and their past record. I'd also be surprised if another publisher felt like reviving the franchise, even if it's worth a fraction of what Ubisoft paid for it. Maybe at this point "...
by Danny
22 May 2016, 18:59
Forum: News
Topic: H7 Expansion, Fortress Announced
Replies: 20
Views: 13403

Re: H7 Expansion, Fortress Announced

Yeah I knew there would be a delay...
by Danny
07 May 2016, 03:46
Forum: News
Topic: Fortress Lineup
Replies: 22
Views: 21347

Re: Fortress Lineup

It's like H6 Dungeon after H5 where they toned down the dark elves, now they did it with dwarves. Nival's legacy barely lives.

Rune Priest and Fire Giant still ended up quite similar and having the bear without a rider is similar to Haven's wolf...
by Danny
27 Apr 2016, 04:00
Forum: News
Topic: H7 Expansion, Fortress Announced
Replies: 20
Views: 13403

Re: H7 Expansion, Fortress Announced

So not only they are not abandoning the game, they are pulling the same kinda expansion for H7 as H5. Thought they would have went with Inferno but it's true Fortress was absent for the longest. Release date is quite close which also makes one wonder, H6 expansion got a long delay and was out almost...
by Danny
03 Apr 2016, 18:14
Forum: Articles
Topic: Wulfstan's Defiance - Laszlo
Replies: 27
Views: 25654

Re: Wulfstan's Defiance - Laszlo

Some advice for those who might still play this one. I had a hard time with this mission, even with tear of asha Laszlo kept outpacing me with a massive army. But once I encountered him on the field before taking over Horncrest and he had quite a small army. In fact he quickly retreated from the bat...
by Danny
03 Mar 2016, 18:14
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Report Site&Forum Bugs [since Aug'15]
Replies: 188
Views: 241495

Re: Report Site&Forum Bugs [since Aug'15]

Ctrl+F5 completely solved it for me! :)
by Danny
07 Feb 2016, 05:48
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: Heroes VII 50% off in Steam
Replies: 23
Views: 15426

Re: Heroes VII 50% off in Steam

Is this a sign of no expansions coming? ;-)
by Danny
20 Jan 2016, 19:39
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: Heroes 7 music full soundtrack (link) and commentary
Replies: 22
Views: 14896

Re: Heroes 7 music full soundtrack (link) and commentary

I am also wondering if anyone told him there would be a Barbarian faction. That Journeyman theme for barbarians sounded too much like a theme I was expecting to hear in Lord Morglin Ironfist's court. Once again, it's a reference/homage to these: https://w...
by Danny
06 Jan 2016, 18:48
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: Heroes 7 music full soundtrack (link) and commentary
Replies: 22
Views: 14896

Re: Heroes 7 music full soundtrack (link) and commentary

The Wizard's Waltz (Academy theme) is indeed a waltz. But how are Waltzes associated with wizards, academies, nerds, magical themes, the middle east, deserts, carpets and djinn, etc? This piece of music evokes the Austro-Hungarian empire and doomed European nobility on the eve of WW1. The Journeyma...
by Danny
23 Dec 2015, 19:19
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: HoMM III: Best level 3 creature
Replies: 170
Views: 88427

Re: HoMM III: Best level 3 creature

Went with Royal Griffin!
by Danny
23 Dec 2015, 10:40
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: So is this game worth buying?
Replies: 292
Views: 148150

Re: So is this game worth buying?

Yeah, I'm also thinking about buying the game later in 2016, maybe by Easter we're gonna hear about possible expansions? Or if they abandon the game by mid-2016 then there will be discount opportunity.

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