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by JSE
18 Jun 2022, 13:43
Forum: News
Topic: Good Old Sales
Replies: 1
Views: 1886

Re: Good Old Sales

Oh, GOG themselves shared this? Not bad. :) Well, the message is definitely very true: Heroes (3) is attractive to all generations because it features just brilliant gameplay presented in an inviting fantasy environment. The same is true for the M&M RPGs btw. I know of several seniors who played...
by JSE
15 May 2022, 00:05
Forum: News
Topic: Songs of Conquest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow
Replies: 16
Views: 6505

Re: Songs of Contest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow

It is totally unfair to compare SoC with H3 Armageddon's Blade.You should compare it to King's Bounty, Heroes VI and heroes VII. And it compares favourably in feel, features, concept and writing to all of them. Maybe I misunderstand, but I don't see why a comparison with H3 AB would be unfair. Even...
by JSE
13 May 2022, 02:01
Forum: News
Topic: Songs of Conquest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow
Replies: 16
Views: 6505

Re: Songs of Contest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow

Thanks for sharing your view! There is definitely a good share of enjoyment in SoC. And for its price it's definitely not a bad deal. With regard to writing/storytelling and "quality of life" improvements I have to disagree, though. I find the (campaign) writing rather tedious, uninspired,...
by JSE
11 May 2022, 20:23
Forum: News
Topic: Songs of Conquest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow
Replies: 16
Views: 6505

Re: Songs of Contest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow

My pleasure. ;) I really wish I could say that SoC is the modern reimagination of Heroes we've all been waiting for. It clearly is not. While it definitely has its enjoyable sides and some cool ideas, it lacks the focus and excitement of Heroes.
by JSE
10 May 2022, 18:34
Forum: News
Topic: Songs of Conquest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow
Replies: 16
Views: 6505

Re: Songs of Contest - Early Access Starts Tomorrow

I've played a bit of SoC. My first impression is that while it offers more strategic and tactical options and considerations than Heroes, it's also a lot more fiddly and cumbersome to play. Gameplay is *clearly* slower and interface and controls are definitely worse than in the NWC Heroes games. The...
by JSE
21 Apr 2021, 14:45
Forum: News
Topic: Where did the time go?!
Replies: 3
Views: 2806

Re: Where did the time go?!

It's really great to hear from you, and it's also great that you are feeling better health-wise! Thank you for the update and for reassuring us that the video is in the making. I'm looking very much forward to this. Personally, I would actually *like* to see the unedited 3-hour version, but I unders...
by JSE
23 Dec 2020, 03:14
Forum: News
Topic: Upcoming interview with Marcus Pregent
Replies: 4
Views: 4325

Re: Upcoming interview with Marcus Pregent

Good question. While M&M 6 is -- without a doubt -- one of the best computer RPGs I've ever played, it definitely had some over-the-top nasty surprises. It would be interesting to learn about the "design philosophies" behind such decisions.
by JSE
21 Dec 2020, 06:46
Forum: News
Topic: Upcoming interview with Marcus Pregent
Replies: 4
Views: 4325

Re: Upcoming interview with Marcus Pregent

It would be nice if the two questions I suggested for the Michael Wolf interview make it in ( :tsup: I'm a little puzzled by the phrase "JVC's interpretation of an MMORPG". From all I heard, Legends was originally planned as a co-operative mu...
by JSE
01 Dec 2020, 17:41
Forum: News
Topic: The Shadows over Ashan - Community DLC Pack
Replies: 3
Views: 3427

Re: The Shadows over Ashan - Community DLC Pack

That's understandable of course.

Well, it seems highly professional. Fantastic work! :tsup:

Unfortunately for me, it's Ashan/the "Ubiverse"... :)
by JSE
01 Dec 2020, 13:01
Forum: News
Topic: The Shadows over Ashan - Community DLC Pack
Replies: 3
Views: 3427

Re: The Shadows over Ashan - Community DLC Pack


Generally speaking, the world of Ashan and Heroes 7 are immense turn-offs for me, but the "ancients" town type sounds remarkable. Are those meant to be related to the Ancients of the original universe or a completely separate thing?
by JSE
15 Nov 2020, 22:46
Forum: News
Topic: In memory of Docent Picolan - A Hero of Might and Magic
Replies: 4
Views: 7269

Re: In memory of Docent Picolan - A Hero of Might and Magic

Very sad. I have to admit that I've never played Horn of the Abyss (being a "vanilla" gamer), but the visuals look absolutely fantastic. Docent Picolan seems to have been a highly talented person. My condolences to everyone who knew him.
by JSE
09 Nov 2020, 00:23
Forum: News
Topic: Last call for Questions for Songs of Conquest creators Lava Potion, plus a correction
Replies: 4
Views: 3982

Re: Last call for Questions for Songs of Conquest creators Lava Potion, plus a correction

@BB Shockwave: Lava Potion is a small Swedish team of indie game developers. They have nothing to do with the Heroes franchise except for apparently being fans themselves. Likewise, Songs of Conquest is not related to Heroes even though it is obviously very heavily inspired by it. --- @MadMax: Here ...
by JSE
01 Nov 2020, 18:54
Forum: News
Topic: Part 2 Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 The Forge, HoTA and more.
Replies: 4
Views: 3340

Re: Part 2 Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 The Forge, HoTA and more.

Mhh, okay. I thought I watched the first part carefully enough -- but maybe I didn't? I was particularly interested in the question of whether the NWC mapmakers typically started with a sketch and notes on paper or instead went for the editor right away. As far as I remember, this question didn't co...
by JSE
30 Oct 2020, 15:30
Forum: News
Topic: Part 2 Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 The Forge, HoTA and more.
Replies: 4
Views: 3340

Re: Part 2 Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 The Forge, HoTA and more.

Very nice that we finally get to see part 2! I like this one even better for the interesting curios. Good job! I'm just a tiny bit disappointed that our (the CH users') questions didn't make it into the interview. I mean we're getting plenty of interesting information as it is -- so it's not really ...
by JSE
08 Oct 2020, 21:59
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: CH Interview with Michael Wolf
Replies: 4
Views: 5075

Re: CH Interview with Michael Wolf

• What was your general approach when designing scenarios or campaigns for Heroes 3? Did you usually plan the map out beforehand and make sketches on paper, or did you immediately go to the editor and designed the map as you went along. • How much playtesting did you (the whole NWC team) do for the ...
by JSE
17 Sep 2020, 15:58
Forum: News
Topic: M&M: Dynasty Tweeted
Replies: 13
Views: 6710

Re: M&M: Dynasty Tweeted

Although I just watched a video of it and it doesn't look half bad.. kind of impressed actually.. Okay... I can understand that from a purely technical standpoint. The graphics are quite good for a mobile game. As for everything else, though, the videos confirm what I had feared: Dynasty looks exac...
by JSE
15 Sep 2020, 20:09
Forum: News
Topic: Interview with Tim Lang Part 2 + More News
Replies: 6
Views: 4227

Re: Interview with Tim Lang Part 2 + More News

Wow! As much as I liked the first part, the second one is even more energetic. :) We learn a couple of really interesting details about NWC's plans for M&M 10 (which were news to me at least), and there is some controversial stuff in there as well -- like Tim's views on the Ubi era M&M games...
by JSE
12 Sep 2020, 03:07
Forum: News
Topic: Tim Lang on Aeolwyn's Legacy and Game Design (Celestial Heavens Interview)
Replies: 5
Views: 4158

Re: Tim Lang on Aeolwyn's Legacy and Game Design (Celestial Heavens Interview)

Yep, really cool first interview. Please keep them coming. :tsup:
by JSE
12 Sep 2020, 03:03
Forum: News
Topic: M&M: Dynasty Tweeted
Replies: 13
Views: 6710

Re: M&M: Dynasty Tweeted

Oh boy... Another mobile game set on Ashan...

As long as these two words remain in the description of an M&M game, we know it probably won't be good.

What a terrible fate for the once greatest franchise in the history of computer gaming... :(

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