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Spell Power
Unique Skill - Runelore

Basic Runelore

  • Allows magical runes of 1-2 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.

Advanced Runelore

  • Allows magical runes of 3-4 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.

Expert Runelore

  • Allows magical runes of 5 circles to be placed on own creatures in combat, temporarily giving them new battle abilities and characteristics.

Ultimate Runelore

  • Allows magical runes to be placed without wasting wood and ore.
Unique Abilities

Fine Rune

  • There is a 50% chance of not using up resources on rune activation.

Greater Rune

  • Allows the same rune to be activated for the second time for triple resource cost.

Refresh Rune

  • Allows a previously placed rune (random if many) to be refreshed on selected creature prolonging its effect, wasting only 50% of current Initiative on this action.

Absolute Protection

  • Normal attacks against hero's creatures are always unlucky. Lucky attacks are turned to normal. If enemy has Absolute Luck perk, effects of both perks are nullified.
Requirements: : Triple Ballista(War Machines), Mana Burst(Destructive Magic), Swift Mind(Logistics), Preparation(Defense)


  • Specialises in Riders. Bear Riders and Blackbear Riders in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.

Rune Artist

  • Chances of success with Fine Rune feat are increased by 20% from the start and by +1% for every level.

Keeper of the Flame

  • Specialises in Priests. Rune Priests and Patriarchs in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.


  • Specialises in Defenders. Defenders in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels, and +1 to their Hit Points for every five levels of the hero

King of the Stone Halls

  • All creatures in hero's army have 'Rune of Thunderclap' effect permanently active (refreshes at the start of creature turn).

Sacred Hammer

  • Each time the hero casts a light magic spell on a friendly creature, there is a chance that the 'Righteous Might' spell will be cast freely upon the affected unit.

Golden Tongue

  • Neutral creatures are more likely to join this hero. Moreover victories provide this hero with gold and resources.

Sharp Blade

  • Specialises in Spearwielders and Skirmishers. Spearwielders and Skirmishers in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.

Master of the Runes

  • With each level-up, the hero can spontaneously learn one more Runic Spell


  • Lightning-based spells of this hero are irresistible for the enemies (immunities and magic-proof still apply).

Border Guard

  • Hero has a bonus to his Defense (+1 Defense for each 2 hero levels) if fights are one day away from owned city
Hits: 2926

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