
A first look at one of the game's creature dwellings. Thanks Drachenwald.


Drachenwald got a better version of the PC Powerplay scan which shows... a skeleton, the first undead unit seen in the game. Thanks Mystic Phoenix.


Is that the combat grid Fabrice referred to once or twice? We finally get to see some parts of the game's interface.
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Straight from the lovely Ubisoft booth at E3, a screenshot of what looks like a building from the Haven town. Thanks Dragon Angel.

E3 2005 atrium shot 2.jpg

The E3 is about to open its doors. Registration is under way, and our representative will meet Fabrice Cambounet in a couple of hours. Stay tuned for some exclusive info!

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As a true collector of human brains, Lich deserves a place in the new Inferno, don't you think?


Astral might not be a part of Heroes of Might and Magic V, but at least he will live more adventures in the Heroes IV Collectible Card Game. Thanks DGA Games.


A little teaser for a future Equilibris release. Thanks Dalai and Lost.


The wolf and its friends are facing a rather unusual army. Remember that ghosts do not join players in Heroes I. Thanks Paladin.
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One of the screenshots that was leaked on Wednesday. While some fans find the new look unsuitable for a Heroes game, most people are generally satisfied with what Ubisoft and Nival did.
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