Look what I have brought you oh wretched peasants of the HOMMiverse! Good tidings from Freeverse, our noble lord of the OSX port! Rejoice and be humble!

From on high Vice President Colin Smith has spoken, and he's given we mortals much to ponder. Of greatest interest is progress on the port itself: "it’s still looking like around Christmas for Mac HOMM." A fine present indeed!

The Veep also spoke fine words about ongoing support, which has often been a famine situation for we Mac gaming serfs who live at the whim of our masters: "we’ll be working-in all the updates along the way so when it ships it should have nine months of Nival patches and content tweaks in there." Magnificent!

But wait, there's more! Colin also speaks about porting the Map Editor and delivers an impassioned soliloquy on the difficult economic riddles faced by the Mac game-porting industry. It's worthy of the tragic hero Hamlet himself, and is much more convincing and heart-felt that the voice actors in HOMMV. Its all bleeding hearts, gore and glory, so make the heroic choice to read more over at the HOMMV for OSX! site.