I'm not sure if the feeling of a lack of activity on the board of late is genuinely because of a lack of activity, or if it's merely an impression imprinted in the mind of a person who spends so much time online that even the cable modem tells him to go to bed. On occasion, I have seen the clock at the bottom right corner of my screen pass 04:00 before I think to myself: "I wonder if it's going to be hard going to school in the morning".

The Forum seems to 'mosey along', with a couple of active threads in the Map Guild and a few games in the Campfire. There is also some movement in the Heroes V forum - though the earlier excitement displayed by members upon the release of the Beta is in decline, possibly because the news nowadays is merely a continuation of earlier releases. New heroes is an interesting bit, but it's not as interesting as when the first ones were published. The release of the faction themes got some attention, though.