... unary-2024 ... in-january ... 661721770/
Not happy! As someone who still hasn't finished the whole game and wants to play the Xeen DLC content this is not cool. If I recall those bonus DLCs were downloaded inside the game. And there's so much other stuff inside the game linked to online.. if they just switch off the servers the game will be stuffed and I fear we'll lose access to DLC after a fresh install.The same thing that happened to MMX:Legacy [but worse]
If you think that server decommission affect only multiplayer then you are wrong. Most functionalities are locked behind Online-only DRM:
- Conflux and Dynasty profile will no longer work. Bestiary with artworks and lore descriptions will be unavailable.
- Amount of heroes in skirmish will be limited to 2 per faction
- Dynasty weapons and pets will be no longer available - All swords and Staves will dissappear from the game. Option to level up then will dissappear. People who leveled all of them to level 5 will lost all progress
- Dynasty traits and slots for them will be disabled. Those are a starting conditions like additional resources at the beginning, reduced cost of building, bonus stats etc.
- Achievements will be disabled. For doing achievements you would receive point which are used for unlocking stuff in this game: heroes, weapons, pets, traits, slots, portraits, titles etc.
- Multiplayer will be no longer available - obvious
- You will loose your online saves. Game forces you to cloud saving and limited you to 10 saves. Local saves will available? No idea