Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby RollingWave » 20 Dec 2011, 09:00

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
The river of time wash away all heroes

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby RollingWave » 20 Dec 2011, 09:00

It's relative, Cerebus are so weak on defense that I often don't even want to risk them in battle. also in these first few mission you get massive number of free dogs so that really makes them more powerful than they seem, if you play a duel they end up being rather blah.
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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Oxi » 21 Dec 2011, 15:16

regarding one-way portal, I read a very good suggestion when visiting one of those ingame magic balls, where people can leave comments. The trick is: you can block the one way exit with one of your inferno portals which are provided if you build the 2nd choice building in your town (not the one granting additional gating performance). with that you at least dont have to care about opponents comming from the one way exit. pritty slick.

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby maltz » 21 Dec 2011, 18:38

That's a very good usage of portals! I wonder whether the AI will bug out if they accmulated too many heroes on the other end of the portal. :D

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby FreshHope » 17 Jan 2012, 16:34

Like to add that when you free the fort holding the Juggernauts, you will be given a reputation choice to convert the fort or leave it as it is. If you choose the blood option, Veyer will join you, pretty neat :)

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Kelben » 18 Feb 2012, 04:58

I got a problem here, if I make the last step towards tear, a primary quest is added "The Choice". Since it is primary I guess it would prevent me to win the map.

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Beregorn » 26 Feb 2012, 13:37

I have no idea how to solve this one. After conquering town B, I have 3 oder 4 days time till the first necro heroe arrives. Even worse, he arrives every two days again and again and ...

Started this mission 3 times now, always the same ...

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Naki » 04 Mar 2012, 15:48

If you get Veyer to join you, will he carry over to mission 3??

I chose not to get him to join, because I needed the Tears rep. points.
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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby sparhawk77 » 09 Apr 2012, 22:36

I was never able to use the Dragon Nexus beside Town L. No matter the angle I tried to come into it from it would not allow me to use it. Also I never did get the Juggernauts even though I freed every fort.

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby ToniG » 16 May 2012, 19:32

@ sparhawk77: With v1.3 you can! ;) This mission also had a big big problem, meaning that if you've got the lvl 1 blood/tears in the first mission and in the 2nd you'll turn to the 2nd level, "the choice" quest will reappear.

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby gsandro1 » 03 Nov 2012, 14:26

Yes, if you get Veyer to join, he will carry over to mission 3

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Queen Hera » 23 Jan 2013, 08:46

In mission 2, if you have chosen the Tears path but destroy the Fort Veyer's in (instead of taking the Tears option), he then joins you for that mission only.

In Mission 3, his avatar appears, but you can't do anything with him.

(He seems to be stuck in Limbo!!!) I suggest you take the Blood Path if you want him joining you in missions 3 & 4.

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 13 Aug 2013, 00:05

DO NOT CHOOSE a magic hero for this campaign(SEE EDIT for update). This map, map 2, entirely bugs out if you do with latest patch: 2.1.1). Your power levels will not influence magic damage whatsoever, not for your troops, not for spells. No matter what you do. Only your absolute level affects magic damage on this map. Why? who the hell knows. It's the only map I have run into where this happens. Might damage, OTOH, works just fine. So, unless you like gimping yourself, recommend not using a magic-based hero.


EDIT: Turns out, through thorough investigation, this is NOT a map issue, or a magic issue, but rather a bug in the Urgash staff. In fact, all staves that have a magic school affinity on them are bugged. What happens is if you wield them either through a reload, or as days pass, each time your effective magic power is lowered by 5, until it hits the minimum for your level (you can tell this has happened when if you equip/unequip an item that boosts your magic power, it has no affect on your spell damage, or the damage of your magic-type troops; at that point, your character is fubar, and you might as well delete it). The workaround is to only equip one of these staves when you fight a battle. unequip it before saving your game, and before ending a turn, and the bug with effective power does not happen.

this game makes me weep. So many possibilites, so broken that it will likely end the HOMM series, since it's mostly Ubisofts fault, and they still own the rights.

all that said, a good choice for this map for a dynasty trait is the merchant one. you start off with very little crystal, and the merchant allows you to trade as if you owned two more marketplaces.

Edited on Sun, Aug 18 2013, 19:13 by Sir_Toejam

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 19 Aug 2013, 02:41

"Upon your capture of Town F, the game spawns a relative weak (level 1) Necropolis hero at (3)"

actually, in my game (2.1.1) he was already there long before I got to the town (I could see him from the sawmill area above the town). Had a large army. much more difficult fight than the town itself! took forever to finally recover the losses via regen.

"you can find a friendly and large stack of Cerberus at (7)"

stack is passive, not friendly. Cost me a bundle (over 60k!).

Edited on Tue, Aug 20 2013, 22:59 by Sir_Toejam

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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - Fearful Symmetry

Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 21 Aug 2013, 08:22

doggies don't seem to do as much damage with the current patch. less than half as much, in fact.

the new heavy damage dealer are the juggernauts. use reinforcement and heroic charge. i had 377 juggies (base) just do 64K damage to Namtaru after a heroic charge.

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