HOMM4 creature stacks

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HOMM4 creature stacks

Unread postby Zhulikkulik » 03 Sep 2024, 00:05

I am probably stupid but is there a way to fix number of stacks in an army and especially in combat script?
Like how in homm 3 if you put seven stacks of one peasant each - there will be seven stacks of one peasant each and not one stack of seven peasants. And if you put a stack of 40 creatures - there will be one stack of forty and they won't split. Or how there's an option to choose how many stacks there will be on a neutral creature.

I don't see any kind of controls for that and creatures just randomly split/join however they see fit according to some ingame rules even if i put seven stacks and give each a unique artifact or whatever.

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Re: HOMM4 creature stacks

Unread postby Pitsu » 03 Sep 2024, 16:57

As far as I remember, the game determined whether to split or combine stacks depending on how many stack were in the player controlled army that participated in a battle. Equilibris add-on altered these mechanics to remove some exploits. Most likely the in-game pre-battle stack managment algorithm does not expect/overwrites any input from mapmaker. Maybe there is a workaround with scripts or some tricks, but I do not remember any (been a long time since H4 editor).
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