Punished For Playing Well

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Punished For Playing Well

Unread postby cjleeagain » 03 Jan 2024, 22:07

Oh Great. Years after the debacle that Heroes VII came out, I am still finding bugs in it.

I recently started missing this game after not playing it for a long time. So I logged back into Ubisoft Connect and downloaded it again.
I was just playing the official campaigns. Haven faction, Tomas the Wolf. Mission 3 is the defense of Hammer Fall, called The Blessings of Freedom.
You have three heroes, one of which can't move. He is Tomas' uncle Konrad, who starts with 99 Swordmasters.
Konrad is supposed to defend the bridge for as long as possible.

In my first playthrough years ago, I was defeated after a level 25 enemy hero showed up with a formidable army that included 250 Seraphs. (By default, the script expects you to lose eventually.)
In my current playthrough on Heroic, I am playing much better. I crushed my level 25 enemy opponent and still had 49 Swordmasters remaining. The crucial thing is the stupid AI bunched together their troops, so my Swordmasters wiped out a vastly superior enemy with their Swings.
But what happened then?
Because Tomas' uncle killed all the enemies and never died, now mission can't be completed.

I have to replay this map again and get my uncle killed.
And I really do not want to replay.
Everytime I forget how badly Ubisoft makes its games, I am punished with a reminder.
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Re: Punished For Playing Well

Unread postby wimfrits » 10 Jan 2024, 15:24


That is really sad
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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