Search found 294 matches

by Blake
11 Oct 2022, 05:51
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth
Replies: 110
Views: 320261

Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Ooh I better redownload that one then!
by Blake
11 Oct 2022, 05:49
Forum: Modcrafting Guild
Topic: Heroes of Might and Magic III: Day of Reckoning
Replies: 4
Views: 4055

Re: Heroes of Might and Magic III: Day of Reckoning

Image is broken.. but played the video.. cooooool
by Blake
17 Jul 2022, 14:45
Forum: News
Topic: CH - Migration to a New Hoster
Replies: 2
Views: 1667

Re: CH - Migration to a New Hoster

Congrats on a successful transition!
by Blake
10 Jul 2022, 15:40
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: fheroes2: Resurrection
Replies: 143
Views: 134442

Re: Free Heroes of Might and Magic II Resurrection

Great work guys. :)
by Blake
10 Jul 2022, 15:38
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth
Replies: 110
Views: 320261

Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

OMG that's awesome!!!!
by Blake
10 Jul 2022, 13:20
Forum: Modcrafting Guild
Topic: Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Civilization 2 Mod!
Replies: 23
Views: 25073

Re: Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Civilization 2 Mod!

Well after so long since the last project update I guess it's time to finally post a new one! I'm sorry it's taken so long for this guys, MetroPolis has retired from mod making (nope no fallout haha, we're still good mates and he's still eagerly following this project) which means the final finishin...
by Blake
30 Jun 2022, 15:44
Forum: M&M and Heroes Spin-Offs
Topic: Might & Magic Dynasty is no more
Replies: 0
Views: 2768

Might & Magic Dynasty is no more

I'm not a big fan of online gaming and espcially not broswer/mobile games with loot boxes and stuff etc.. However I was always tempted to have a go at Dynasty as it actually seemed more like a regular HoMM game then Ubisofts other mobile games. I also liked how your castle had soldiers and creatures...
by Blake
20 Jun 2022, 12:05
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Civilization Series Favourite Scifi/Fantasy (incl HoMM) TC Scenarios & Mods Hunt
Replies: 5
Views: 5341

Re: Civilization Series Favourite Scifi/Fantasy (incl HoMM) TC Scenarios & Mods Hunt

Hey guys, figured it's time for another project update. No new search categories added this time as I've given myself too much work already lol, however there's plenty of new scenarios ( including some HoMM related ones! ) found under the existing scifi & fantasy categories (listed in the top po...
by Blake
08 Jun 2022, 13:51
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: fheroes2: Resurrection
Replies: 143
Views: 134442

Re: Free Heroes of Might and Magic II Resurrection

Also, on the basis of fheroes2 engine we're going to release our separate expansion, which would bring new experience into Heroes2 game. ;) That is going to be mind blowing. Are you guys planning on doing any custom story/intro cutscenes for your campaign or is that a bridge too far? Yes, we are. N...
by Blake
06 Jun 2022, 06:21
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: fheroes2: Resurrection
Replies: 143
Views: 134442

Re: Free Heroes of Might and Magic II Resurrection

sirDranik wrote: 05 Jun 2022, 13:06 Also, on the basis of fheroes2 engine we're going to release our separate expansion, which would bring new experience into Heroes2 game. ;)
That is going to be mind blowing. Are you guys planning on doing any custom story/intro cutscenes for your campaign or is that a bridge too far?
by Blake
05 Jun 2022, 10:16
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Collecting HoMM series laminated creature/unit cards
Replies: 8
Views: 5222

Re: Collecting HoMM series laminated creature/unit cards

Got a whole bunch of updates as this project is pretty much done now! :) Heroes of Might & Magic 3: Firstly I'm pleased to say that I successfully scored a physical copy of Heroes 3 Armageddon's Blade peripherals off ebay which included the elusive official HoMM3 creature card in good condition!...
by Blake
05 Jun 2022, 09:16
Forum: Heroes VII
Topic: HoMM7 Fan Manual or unit card
Replies: 1
Views: 3512

Re: HoMM7 Fan Manual or unit card

Thanks to EvilP over at heroescommunity who has generated HoMM7 creature tables for his HoMM site I finally had something I could make a card out of! Wasn't easy though as due to the massive size of the Neutral factions I had to juggle around and squeeze more factions onto one page (2x3 instead of 2...
by Blake
05 Jun 2022, 09:10
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Heroes VI Fan Manual
Replies: 26
Views: 37809

Re: Heroes VI Fan Manual

And here's the final product printed out! This plus my printable HoMM7 cards and the official HoMM3 AB creature card I recently bought off ebay means I've finally completed my collection ! :) New additions (Click to expand) Original collection
by Blake
05 Jun 2022, 08:15
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Heroes VI Fan Manual
Replies: 26
Views: 37809

Re: Heroes VI Fan Manual

Thanks to EvilP over at heroescommunity I've got a better version of the Dungeon faction line up and have squeezed it into the card. Due to size differences I had to shrink it a bit which has left it not as sharp as the other factions but I still think it's a big improvement over the older one above...
by Blake
08 May 2022, 02:50
Forum: King's Bounty
Topic: Kings Bounty II
Replies: 21
Views: 17218

Re: Kings Bounty II

This doesn't sound good. In an attempt to shut down the rumours about Russian layoffs their CEO literally openly admits to closing work on KB2 due to it not reaching their targets. So presumably "close" means no more patches and forget about any DLC or sequels. What a shame it all ends lik...
by Blake
01 May 2022, 17:59
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: GrayFace MM6 Patch v2.5.7 [Mar 4, 2022]
Replies: 613
Views: 453248

Re: GrayFace MM6 Patch v2.5.7 [Mar 4, 2022]

great to see this is still being worked on.. think I still have a really old version on my pc so will have to get the latest!
by Blake
01 May 2022, 17:58
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]
Replies: 8564
Views: 9352432

Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

this is awesome.. can't believe I've only just noticed this..
by Blake
21 Apr 2022, 07:06
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: Open Source Master of Magic HD Multiplayer Remake
Replies: 14
Views: 12857

Re: Open Source Master of Magic HD Multiplayer Remake

Got a couple more Master of Magic news tips from the fan community... Suppanut has released a new version 1.4.2 of his excellent Warlords mod for CoM2Win . Warlords changes many things in Caster of Magic 2 for Windows, some to feel more like classic MoM again and some others are new things entirely....
by Blake
18 Apr 2022, 07:39
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth
Replies: 110
Views: 320261

Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

- Make each of the campaigns playable through the game menus (override TGS and WoW) - New campaign selection backgrounds and use the H3 campaign prologue splashscreens for the H4 campaign splash screens - Use the H3 prologue voiceovers for the H4 voiceovers YES!!! I was totally hoping you'd say tha...
by Blake
17 Apr 2022, 07:22
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth
Replies: 110
Views: 320261

Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

mini-mod version? As in like modding/changing some HoMM4 engine stuff to better fit Chronicles needs?

ahh of course there ya go.. I guess that helps make the decision on using griffins still haha. It's been 20 years so I'd loooooong forgotten gate requirements haha. :)

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