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by Lone_Wolf
Today, 00:34
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

I just got the fairie ring and noticed it no longer is 'of air magic' but the much weaker 'of air affinity' . Checked other special items with 'of foo magic' and they haven't been reduced to affinity . For example the ghost ring is also available early in the game and the haunted mansion chest it is...
by Lone_Wolf
11 Feb 2025, 14:17
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

More than that, it shoots an equipped ranged weapon even in melee range, which I added early on to retain an ability to fire blasters and wands in melee. This is also what happens if no quick spell is set at all, so any unset quick spell key is actually a "shoot in melee" key. Why do you ...
by Lone_Wolf
10 Feb 2025, 11:33
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Found some unexpected (by me) behaviour with the quick keys . If caster doesn't have enough mp to cast the quick spell and a weapon is equipped in the bow slot an arrow is fired and the message "not enough spell points' is not shown . Incase no weapon is present in bow slot a melee attack is ex...
by Lone_Wolf
05 Feb 2025, 22:45
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

OItto's oddities in Harmondale does show an order button above the close button when asking for platinum ring of the troll

Yes, I was using easy as hard was way to hard with 1 dragon attack taking out whole party.

NPC Carla Tarent in Bowes Residence - Harmondale has no dialog topics .
by Lone_Wolf
05 Feb 2025, 15:29
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

And I'm once again asking: could someone please mention the mod on Reddit? Some of the people there will likely be interested to know of it. Good idea .(I don't use it, so can't help ) Downloaded 4.01 beta and started new party (no mmextension) Currently testing killing morcarack which is much hard...
by Lone_Wolf
29 Jan 2025, 19:22
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Switching dififculty for fihts & looting/selling helps a lot.

One thing that I didn't expect :
I stole the fireball wand from Malwick but could get it identified and sold to the EI magic shop.

That seems like a bug ?

(playing without MMExtension / MMeditor) .
by Lone_Wolf
28 Jan 2025, 23:24
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Glad you found the cause. I played EI without MMextension and had no issues. A few comments : The number of throwing daggers that can be reapired goes down fast and appears to halves every time. I bought a set with 76, after clearing dragonflies it was down to 20 . Weapon shop hadn't restocked yet, ...
by Lone_Wolf
27 Jan 2025, 17:13
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

I tested savefile with

vanilla + grayface + mmextension : reputation works
vanilla + grayface + elemental : reputation works .

mmextension 2.2 + elemental is where things go wrong. Order in which they are installed doesn't matter.
by Lone_Wolf
27 Jan 2025, 10:02
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

No change after hirng mmon acolyte . I tested with new game default party and that has the same , so rep seems stuck at 0 (or displayed wrong ?) .. I installed grayface patch, then MMextension 2.2 and MMeditor 2.1 then added elemental files . started game twice with immediate exit from menu screen, ...
by Lone_Wolf
26 Jan 2025, 22:44
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

I'll get used to it. I started playing EI for real now and noticed a few things : In vanilla donating to temples gives +1 rep per donation with a max of 5 . Also solving the missing contestants quest gives rep +5 . Neither of those happen in the mod with diff easy Replenishing 3 SP at air guild seem...
by Lone_Wolf
26 Jan 2025, 13:42
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

The racial bonus skill for elves, goblins and dwarves has an undesired side effect : it replaces the weapon skill for the class they choose. This especially hurts dagger & spear users as those 2 skills are not available on emerald . Well, whenever the main weapon skill is replaced by race, the ...
by Lone_Wolf
23 Jan 2025, 23:45
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Elf sorcs are extremely fragile Yup, my typical compensation for that was to multiloot morcarack for of the troll/of the golem/of earth item (whichever came first), but that's not possible in this mod . avlee well & BD altar are now even more important then before. Guess I'll also try special o...
by Lone_Wolf
23 Jan 2025, 13:58
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Got it, you may want to add a note in the changelog that the stat rating changes also affect party creation. Agility is my fav atrtibute and I decided on human paladin, goblin thief, elf ranger & elf sorcerer. Paladin will do spirit & mind magic, Ranger body and earth. sorcerer air/water and...
by Lone_Wolf
22 Jan 2025, 22:18
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

While creating party I noticed something odd : In vanilla racial weak attribute takes 2 bonuspoints to raise attr +1 and good attributes take 1 bonuspoint to raise attrib +2 . Elemental 4 still does the first, but good attributes are only raised +1 per bonus point . I couldn't find a mention for thi...
by Lone_Wolf
22 Jan 2025, 16:19
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Downloaded, installed and looking around on emerald now. Can throwing knives be recharged or are they gone when out of charges ? I like to peek in files like monsters.txt & items.txt directly , but am unsure where the ingame used version is located. The data folder contains 4 events files, event...
by Lone_Wolf
19 Jan 2025, 11:27
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v3.1 holiday release!

The TP change will need some adjusting, especially for the human elf war travels and visiting/getting back from nighon . Does it also affect the gatemaster NPC or do they still cast TP at GM level ? My current playthrough with vanilla (2*monster HP - 4* monster xp) KTCS party is now early on light p...
by Lone_Wolf
19 Jan 2025, 00:59
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta
Replies: 205
Views: 91176

Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v3.1 holiday release!

2 questions Town Portal is severely nerfed, as it now only teleports to the last visited town on Master, and only at GM you can choose. Also, the success chance is lowered to 5% * skill both at M and GM, but with no monsters nearby it's 100%. If party is on a map with a TP fountain, will party Maste...
by Lone_Wolf
15 Jan 2025, 20:38
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: [Solved] mm7 - can light party enter 'tomb of the master ?
Replies: 8
Views: 578

Re: mm7 - can light party enter 'tomb of the master ?

I was indeed mixing up Shadow Mask and Hands of the Master. So there are several things only available for one side : Dark Tomb of the Master + Shadow mask Celeste small house C. Navan Elven treasury C. Gryphonheart - Alice Hargreaves room Light Setag's tower + Villains Blade The Pit small house Tha...
by Lone_Wolf
14 Jan 2025, 23:14
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: [Solved] mm7 - can light party enter 'tomb of the master ?
Replies: 8
Views: 578

Re: mm7 - can light party enter 'tomb of the master ?

I forgot about the navan treasure . the secret floor part is visible, but inactive . I have a vague recollection that someone on TELP long ago claimed that a light party that stole the scroll of waves from the school of sorcery and had the journal excerpt message scroll from castle H subbasement in ...
by Lone_Wolf
10 Jan 2025, 22:00
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: [Solved] mm7 - can light party enter 'tomb of the master ?
Replies: 8
Views: 578

[Solved] mm7 - can light party enter 'tomb of the master ?

I like to do all dungeons and collect all specialty items. This works for all dungeons regardless of the side you chose, except one . The tomb of the master (dark monk promotion) is different. I know where it is, but can't enter it with a light party . Is there a way to enter that tomb (and get hand...

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