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Unread postby Asheera » 15 Feb 2009, 22:11

k then. ;)

No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Koni » 15 Feb 2009, 22:13

I see it like you, Asheera. Although it is used as adjective, it remains a proper noun, same as Pythagorean theorem or Rorschach test and many others....

Better you change it, Jonas, and avoid a penalty point. ;)
edit: it should not be allowed in future, but in each case we continue with harass. :)
Last edited by Koni on 15 Feb 2009, 22:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Asheera » 15 Feb 2009, 22:14

Too late unfortunately :P

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Borsuc - 289
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Asterot - 162
Avonu - 142
Milla - 96
SWST - 43
PhoenixReborn - 38
Jonas - 29
a55a55in - 21
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule:
Jonas :proud:

Words Used (439)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Asterot » 15 Feb 2009, 23:35


Damn it, I'm missing something :|
"The elements compose a Magnum Opus my modus operandi is amalgam..."

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Unread postby Koni » 16 Feb 2009, 07:01


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Unread postby HodgePodge » 16 Feb 2009, 07:31

Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

Click Here: Lords of War and Money … A Free & Fun Browser Game.

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Unread postby Jonas » 16 Feb 2009, 12:44

Asheera wrote:Too late unfortunately :P
You're so harsh :lol:
:leo: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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Unread postby Asheera » 16 Feb 2009, 14:06

Hehe, sorry but once someone continues with the wrong word, you can't edit it any longer. That would cause a mess (also, what's the fun in a game if there are no 'losing' times? :P)


Koni - 359
Asheera - 353
Borsuc - 289
HodgePodge - 249
Asterot - 166
Avonu - 142
Milla - 96
SWST - 43
PhoenixReborn - 38
Jonas - 32
a55a55in - 21
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule:
Jonas :proud:

Words Used (444)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Avonu » 16 Feb 2009, 14:32


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Unread postby Asterot » 16 Feb 2009, 15:50

"The elements compose a Magnum Opus my modus operandi is amalgam..."

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Unread postby Borsuc » 16 Feb 2009, 15:52

All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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Unread postby Koni » 16 Feb 2009, 16:15


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Unread postby Asheera » 16 Feb 2009, 16:31


Koni - 363
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HodgePodge - 249
Asterot - 170
Avonu - 146
Milla - 96
SWST - 43
PhoenixReborn - 38
Jonas - 32
a55a55in - 21
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule:
Jonas :proud:

Words Used (449)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 16 Feb 2009, 19:14

mangolds - n. pl. 1. - beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed. 2. swollen edible root; widely cultivated as a food crop.
Walk Softly & Respect All Life!

Click Here: Lords of War and Money … A Free & Fun Browser Game.

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Sir William S Titan
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 16 Feb 2009, 19:20

This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 500 character limit

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Unread postby Asterot » 16 Feb 2009, 19:25

"The elements compose a Magnum Opus my modus operandi is amalgam..."

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Unread postby Jonas » 16 Feb 2009, 19:39


EDIT: I didn't know that I would be proud to be a peasant, but I am :proud:
:leo: A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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Unread postby Koni » 16 Feb 2009, 20:15


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Unread postby Asheera » 16 Feb 2009, 20:19


Koni - 365
Asheera - 358
Borsuc - 293
HodgePodge - 253
Asterot - 174
Avonu - 146
Milla - 96
SWST - 47
PhoenixReborn - 38
Jonas - 35
a55a55in - 21
Lord Lakely - 21
Panda Tar - 16
ThunderTitan - 13
Corribus - 2

Not very careful
Avonu :x
Jonas :x :embarrased:

Koni :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud:
Asheera :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Milla :proud: :proudirule:
Lord Lakely :proud:
HodgePodge :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
ThunderTitan :proud: :proudirule:
Borsuc :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule: :proud: :proudirule:
Asterot :proud: :proudirule:
a55a55in :proud:
Avonu :proud: :proudirule:
Jonas :proud:

Words Used (455)
yellow, lower, wergild, gilder, derby, bypass, password, swordbill, billion, lioness, nesses, sesame, samette, temporary, arytenoid, oidia, dial, dialect, lecture, tureen, reenact, enactable, tablecloth, clothes, these, theses, session, sionist, isthmus, mustard, stardust, duster, stere, stereo, reoriented, tedious, ousted, stedfast, faster, asterisk, risked, skedaddle, daddled, ledgeman, emancipation, ionic, niche, cheap, heaper, aperture, tureenful, fully, lysine, sinewed, wedding, dingle, dingleberries, estimate, matelote, tea, teacher, cherisher, sherry, sherryvallies, estuary, aryl, ylem, lemonade, monadelphous, house, username, namesake, sakes, kestrel, trelliswork, worker, keramic, amicable, cables, ablest, estate, stated, tedder, deranged, editress, tressing, singer, ingerminate, atelier, lierne, ernestful, fulfill, fillet, letter, lettern, ternary, arylamine, laminectomy, myopic, picaro, caroach, ache, achene, henequen, quench, enchant, chanting, tinge, ingeminate, nates, tesseract, actor, actorius, used, sedation, dations, onset, seta, etamine, amines, mineshaft, shafting, tingling, lingual, alarm, larmier, error, roridula, ulama, lamas, amass, massed, sedan, dance, ancestor, storage, raged, gedanite, item, tempo, temporary, arythmia, miasma, smasher, mashers, herself, selfness, essence, cent, centaur, auricula, auricular, larva, larvate, atemporal, rallicar, carabid, bidding, dinghy, hyena, enable, ablegate, legateship, shipmate, material, materialization, ionizer, zero, erosion, ionate, atelectasis, sissy, syllabism, bismuth, thrall, ralliform, formation, ionene, oneness, nesslerize, zealous, lousy, sycamine, aminergic, ice, icecream, creamcake, cakewalk, walking, kingly, lycanthropy, pylon, longevity, tycoon, cooncan, cancer, ceramic, mice, micelle, celler, leresis, resist, sister, sterile, riled, ledeburite, rites, tessellate, latecomer, merry, merrythought, thoughtful, full, fullback, backbone, bonehead, headache, hem, hematin, matinee, needlepuncher, punchers, erstwhile, whiled, ledger, gerade, radectomy, myopia, opiating, atingle, glee, gleed, editing, tingle, inglenook, okay, kayak, akaryote, otectomy, ectomycorrhizal, zalcitabine, tabinet, nettle, nettlecloth, clothes, thesis, sistering, ringleader, adermia, mianserin, anserine, serinette, test, testimonial, alabamium, umbel, belfry, frypan, panned, eddying, dyingly, lyrical, call, calligraph, graphical, calisthenics, csardas, dash, dasheen, sheens, enslave, avert, avertiment, mental, talent, lentil, tilasite, sites, testicles, lesbian, biannual, annualize, zeal, alacrity, tympan, pant, pantyhose, hosel, select, election, lectionary, arytenoidal, dalesman, manage, anagenesis, sisal, isallobar, allobarbitone, tones, oneself, selflessness, essential, allotment, mentor, entoretina, nap, napkin, kind, kindergarten, tentacle, clean, ant, antae, taenia, niacinamide, amides, desk, deskilled, lederhosen, senile, ilex, lexeme, emerald, alderfly, flying, lyingly, glycerine, inebriate, atenolol, lolly, lollygag, gagman, manbote, boteless, lesson, essonite, niter, iterative, ivermectin, tinfoil, foiled, ledge, edges, edgeshot, shotcrete, retem, temper, temperature, ureter, reterminating, atingle, tingler, lerots, tsar, saran, araneiform, format, formate, maternal, naled, editor, torment, mentalistic, stick, stickle, stickleback, backstab, stableboy, boycott, cottage, tagetes, etesian, ianfu, fuddle, length, thankful, fullfil, filler, lered, redder, derail, railway, waypoint, pointsman, manners, erst, styrafoam, foamy, amygdule, ulexine, exines, nest, nestle, leachability, tylosine, sinew, newest, westwardly, lycee, eerie, riel, electricity, citybilly, billycans, canst, canstick, sticklike, likeness, nesslerizing, zinger, ingerminate, atelia, telial, alright, righten, tender, tenderloin, loincloth, lothario, ariose, selection, electioneer, eradicate, cater, cateran, ranch, ranchslider, derate, rated, teddering, deringed, gedd, edder, deracinate, atelic, teliconograph, graphological, logically, allylic, lick, lickerish, rishi, ishihara, harass, rasse, assent, sentient, entertainment, menthol, thole, holereamer, amerciable, ablepsia, siamang, mangolds, oldster, sterculia, liability, tyke, keel
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Round Table Hero
Round Table Hero
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Joined: 07 Jul 2008
Location: Bucharest, Romania

Unread postby Borsuc » 16 Feb 2009, 21:25

All humans do is to go to a place, bountiful of nature, and live there. Then the human multiplies and sucks all the wonders there. They move to the next. There is one thing that works the same way as that: a virus.

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