Creature Quest is a game where you literally quest for (500+!) creatures with turn-based combat.
The game itself has three main sections, the quests, where you loot resources and items from an adventure map to evolve and upgrade your creatures (not without challenging fights!), the battle tower, where you farm creatures and all types of resources, and the dungeon challenge (semi-PvP), where you fight against dungeons set-up by players against AI and can win some of the game's best creatures as rewards in the rankings among other goodies.
There is a also other ways to get new creatures which are summons. You can summon common and rare creatures with tickets and any type up to Legendary (purely luck dependent) with diamonds. You can purchase diamonds with real money but the game is quite generous with them and you can do just fine and even better than some payers in the long run if you're F2P purist, but you need to be patient.

While there is different tiers of creatures, thankfully the game mechanics allow you to beat stronger creatures than yours with decent knowledge of how things work, and as such I decided to make this small battle guide.

Galaad's pocket Battle Guide
Basically, you have two crucial things to understand and make work with your parties to succeed in fights (be it single or multi): Color counters and combo multipliers. You also have two different kinds of attacks per creature, the normal attack and its special. The special deals much higher damage and depending on your creature abilities can trigger various buffs/debuffs/crits/heal/cleanse/protection etc, affecting either one, a few, a row, or everyone (ofc beneficial goes for your party and offensive against enemies). When it is a creature's turn, you can either do one or the other attack, but not both. Once a creature acts, its dots will convert into mana. Similarly, a creature of a certain alignment will steal all dots from other creature from your party that correspond to its alignment, a nature creature will steal nature dots, a fire creature fire dots etc (these dots can be rerolled for a fee). While doing so, the dots that have been stolen from the creature starts to trigger the multiplier, and once all dots of a creature has been stolen by others to feed their mana, it activates their combo. If you pay attention to my party below you will notice each party member can trigger a x8. The Dark Elf being a four dots can potentially get a x16 but it lacks the yellow.

What interests us is the color of the dots and see how they are corresponding to the party members, as you can see, each party member can trigger x8 depending on the situation and how I plan my attacks turns (the small numbers in front of enemy creatures means in how many turns they will act).
Depending on the amount of dots a creature may have it will not only give more mana but also grant a higher multiplier. One dot will give a x2, two a x4, three a x8, and four (the maximum possible) a x16. In the picture below, both my Archmage and Dark Elf multipliers are activated since I chose to act first with the required alignements, aka the Muse, Forest Guardian and Phoenix.

Additionally, when a creature gives a fatal blow the one acting next will get bonuses in the multiplier, in the picture below, the Archmage killed two creatures at once with Chain Lightning so the Dark Elf multiplier went up from x8 to x10. Notice a small triangle on the top left squirrel? That is because I tapped the creature I chose to target, carefully choosing which creature you attack can be vital in dungeon challenge.

Some colors are strong against some and weak against others, here is how it goes:

For successful attacks on tought battles you will need to make good use of this, via a correct timing in creature turns, color counters and mana management.
I hope that guide is helpful to beginners and if you have any question just ask.