
Expansion Packs

The Gathering Storm

Conservatory of Chaos

The Conservatory of Chaos sells parchments that teach one spell from the School of Chaos magic.
Conservatory of Nature

The Conservatory of Nature sells parchments that teach one spell from the School of Nature magic.
Conservatory of Death

The Conservatory of Death sells parchments that teach one spell from the School of Death magic.

Conservatory of Life

The Conservatory of Life sells parchments that teach one spell from the School of Life magic.

Conservatory of Order

The Conservatory of Order sells parchments that teach one spell from the School of Order magic.

Coliseum of Might

Selected hero will fight a number of Black Dragons based off of the hero's level. If the hero wins, he gains a level.

Coliseum of Magic

Selected hero will fight a number of Faerie Dragons based off of the hero's level. If the hero wins, he gains a level.

Dark Castle

The castle fortress of the evil Demonologist, and chief villan of The Gathering Storm, Hexis.

The Winds of War

Ward of Sorcery

Used to recruit Evil Sorceresses.

Siege Workshop

Used to recruit Catapults.

Goblin Armory

Used to recruit Goblin Knights.

Dark Knight Sanctum

Used to recruit Dark Champion.

Beast Pen

Used to recruit Frenzied Gnashers.

Gargantuan Dell

Used to recruit Gargantuans.

Pictures courtesy of H3Trio and King Imp

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