vcmi logoVCMI is NOT another mod, instead it's rewrite of HoMMII. engine giving it new possibilities. Years of intensive work resulted in creating application with impressive amount of features. Among current features are:

  • Complete gameplay mechanics
  • Almost all objects, abilities, spells and other content
  • Basic battle AI and adventure AI
  • Many GUI improvements: high resolutions, stack queue, creature window
  • Advanced and easy mod support - add new towns, creatures, heroes, artifacts and spells without limits or conflicts
  • Launcher for easy configuration - download mods from our server and install them immediatelly!
  • Random map generator that supports objects added by mods
  • Linux, macOS and Android ports
  • VCMI is an open-source project licensed under GNU GPL 2.0 or later.

Homepage is
Daily downloads.
VCMI Github.

  • VCMI 1.5.3 is Out!

    vcmi nlVCMI 1.5.3 is now available.

    • minor update
    • new launcher for Android
    • all of the features that were planned for 1.5 have now been completed, future 1.5.X updates will only focus on bug fixes.

    Android now uses the same Qt-based launcher as other platforms, allowing mod updates and a more

  • VCMI 1.5.2 is now available

    Main improvements of VCMI version 1.5.2

    • Nullkiller AI improvements: AI is now able to explore the map and won't use map reveal cheat when playing in alliance with a human or on lower difficulties. Also, Nullkiller AI is now used by default for allied players.
    • New keyboard shortcuts for town screen, adventure map, battles, exchange window, as requested by players. See the changelog for a full list.
    • Multiplayer tweaks such as
  • Short News 23' Aug 12

    VCMI 1.3 was released

    • vcmi logo

    • Scalable user Interface
    • Touchscreen improvements
    • RMG
    • Improved Adventure AI
    • Fixed Campaigns
    • HoTA Maps Support


  • VCMI 1.0.0

    New VCMI 1.0.0 was released!

    vcmi logoAs a base for modding support, portability and even with two types of AI. Read the original news and download at


    Several years have passed since VCMI 0.99 and it’s about

  • Weekly News Summary - 2016-11-06

    New version of VCMI mod was released. They are coming closer and closer to "final release", now just a tiny step before, with version 0.99. See full annoucenment on

    If you like HoMM3 you shouldn't miss an oportunity to try this out.


    Humble Bundle is still running a bundle with remastered Grim Fandago & Day of the

  • H3: VCMI

    Future of Heroes, independent engine for H3 or wogalike things. The project is almost done, you can get even android builds. Created for maximum control over any aspect of the game.
  • H3: VCMI: Mod Design Team

    Mod Design Team - is creating new towns, creatures mechanics and objects for VCMI, which is new engine for Heroes III. They are one of most popular authors here.